Saturday, July 21, 2012

I need a life jacket here!!!

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Happy weekends to ols..finally, i manage to rest myself after three exhausting weeks. Fuhh!!!..well, This weekend is not actually be as it supposed to be..hurm..a lot of work,research to do which will be exactly after this make it clear, 2 days after this holiday which reminds me that" hello, there's not much time left".."too many things to do"...the powerpoint aren't ready yet "...hey relax...this is a team work so dont worry because we still have some time to do it..insyaAllah...(ok thats just a monologue) ignore it...

Focusing on the topic for this post, it is a kind of reminder for me so that I am not strong enough to be alone...meaning is that when we are far away from regular tarbiyah), we tend to do the things that Allah dont really like it and the worst part of all, it gives us more sins..Being so long, not going to usrah and certain programmes that really helps to clean your heart, is a big danger..An analogy that i can put here is that you are swimming in the sea and you are about to drown..Suddenly there are people who come and give you a life jacket where you will can swim without being afraid of drowning.Just assume the sea as this life. Drowning here as You blend with world and with high possibilities to go astray from the right path.Whike the life jacket is the factor that can bring you back living in the islamic way.

Living in this hectic world, esp when you have your own career really takes a lot of your time and usually in a day, you just have the time to eat, sleep and pray. It is also a burden for you when you are a new people there and people use this chance to give you a lot of works. All this things consume a alot of your time and you dont even have the time to refresh your self..not to forget the most important thing which is your IMAN...

Need to put a stop here...this is elfyrina reminds you as well as reminding herself in case we forgot..

how ironic this life meant to be , elfy 2012

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